Step 1: Site assessment: Choose a site for your food garden space that receives 8 hours of sunlight, has good drainage, and does not have invasive weeds.
Step 2: Clear existing vegetation.
Step 3: If soil is dry, water area you plan on converting to planting space the night before. The area should be moist but not muddy the next day.
Step 4: If you’re breaking ground for the first time, you may need to till compacted soil. If possible, loosen soil with a broadfork instead of a tiller to preserve soil structure. Mix in compost.
Step 5: Cover beds with rice straw until you are ready to plant. Covering soil retains moisture and moist soil is a great breeding ground for beneficial bacteria and fungi that will improve soil quality. Rice straw is guaranteed not to harbor any perennial grass seeds that could become weeds in your garden.
*Photo credit: Annie Silverman