Building Climate Resilient Communities

Daily Acts is proud to offer an assortment programs, from workshops, tours, webinars, presentations and installations to educate and meet the needs of our community! Check out the range of topics we cover in our program offerings below:

Lawn Replacement

Transforming a lawn into a water-wise garden is a great way to conserve water while growing food, medicine, habitat, and community! Our program offerings walk participants through the process of transforming lawns on their own from start to finish, and include topics like sheet mulching, converting irrigation from sprinklers to drip, setting irrigation timers for low-water use plants, determining a water budget, and selecting the right native and/or water-wise plants.

Graywater Systems

In the state of California, installing a graywater system is a great way to reuse wastewater generated from bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines to water non-food plants in a household landscape. Installing a graywater system on your own can be intimidating, so we offer an assortment of in-person hands-on workshops, tours, and online webinars to give participants the skills, tools, and resources they need to feel confident installing a system. Our graywater programs include graywater basics, designing a system, permit considerations, and appropriate plantings.

Rainwater Harvesting and Rain Gardens

Being water-wise isn’t just about using less water, it’s about being really smart with the water we do have! Our rainwater programs give participants the skills, tools, and knowledge to Slow, Spread, Sink and Store rainwater on their landscapes, using both in-ground and above-ground techniques. Our program offerings include designing rain gardens, building swales and basins, installing rainwater tanks and barrels, and applying mulch to increase the water holding capacity of the soil.

Garden Design & Installations

A good design is the cornerstone of an ecological garden. Our garden design programs equip participants with the skills and considerations they need to draft up their own designs. We host programs that offer an overview of the design process and even multi-day workshops to support participants in reaching final designs that cover everything from base mapping to plant selection, hydrozoning and earthworks. Additionally, we offer several garden installation workshops each year, giving participants hands-on experience with sheet mulching, installing irrigation, and planting, so that they can feel confident implementing their own garden designs.

Soil Health & Carbon Sequestration

Healthy soil is a natural resource that is worth investing in to slow down climate change and prevent drought. Soil regeneration has so many benefits, including creating channels for micro-organisms to thrive, increasing carbon sequestration, preventing erosion, growing healthier plants and increasing water retention! Our soil programs teach participants how to nurture healthy soils through sheet mulching, plant selection, keeping soil covered, and avoiding certain landscaping practices.


Demonstration Gardens

We have 37 demonstration gardens located all throughout Sonoma County! Learn more about each unique site including how and when to maintain them, what you can harvest and when, and some of our favorite water-wise and native-adapted plants we love using.

Carbon Gardening at Home

Did you know you can help slow down climate change in your own yard and garden? We partnered with the Russian River Watershed Association to teach you how to do just that! Check out our eight brief video series to get your carbon gardening journey started.

Webinar Recordings

We are excited to offer you a wide selection of recorded webinars! Ready to watch at your own convenience, learn climate resiliency skills straight from Daily Acts Staff and other experts in the field from the comfort of your home.

Resources & How-to Videos

Need some written resources or how-to videos on sheet mulching, irrigation, garden design, soil building, and more? Check out our resource library, with sharable PDFs, diagrams, instructions, and how-to videos to get your DIY on!

Project Portfolios

We take pride in every project. We are so grateful for our incredible partners and our hard-working volunteers who make our work possible! Explore our array of completed program offerings, from recently to our earliest installations:

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Upcoming Events

From in-person programs to virtual webinars, gain the skills, tools, and resources to take climate action in your home, neighborhood, and beyond!


You power this work! There are many ways to give, from sustaining our work with a monthly donation, becoming a sponsor, donating your stocks, or making us part of your legacy plan.


Do you have a special skill or talent you’d like to share? We are always looking for motivated community members to assist us in a variety of capacities!

Our Climate Resilience Programs Partners

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