Monthly Garden Office Hours – Pruning Woody Perennials

Have you seen a beautiful shrub, perhaps a Mexican Sage or a Butterfly Bush and wondered, 'why doesn't mine look like that?' Or perhaps you've recently planted a new landscape and you want to make sure you are on the right maintenance path. Maybe you're thinking about transitioning your landscape, but the maintenance [...]

Monthly Garden Office Hours – Pruning Woody Perennials2021-05-14T14:14:14-07:00

Sustainable Equine Management with Alayne Blickle

Are you dealing with dust in summer, mud in winter, and manure all year round? Are you a stable owner or manager interested in improving chore efficiency and how well your land meets the needs of your operation? Watch this recording from a fun and educational Sustainable Equine Management workshop that took [...]

Sustainable Equine Management with Alayne Blickle2021-12-15T16:08:50-08:00

A Stunning Visual Tour of Native Wildflower Meadows

Recipients of the Sierra Club's 2020 Ansel Adams Award for Conservation Photography, Rob and Nita, joined us for a presentation that highlights their findings in the book titled "Beauty and the Beast: California Wildflowers and Climate Change". In this webinar recording Rob and Nita will take you behind the scenes on their [...]

A Stunning Visual Tour of Native Wildflower Meadows2020-12-08T10:26:49-08:00

Diving into Drip Irrigation 2 with Kris Loomis

On November 19th, 2020, Daily Acts, the City of Cotati, and Sonoma Water partnered for the second part of our Drip Irrigation Webinar series with Kris Loomis. If you missed the first part, no worries! You can watch it here. Do you have an existing drip irrigation system that has issues, but you [...]

Diving into Drip Irrigation 2 with Kris Loomis2021-05-14T14:14:38-07:00

Wildfires & our Ecology: How can we create defensible space?

October 29, 2020 - Daily Acts, the Town of Windsor, the Resilient Landscape Coalition and members of the Sonoma County Fire District partnered for a panel webinar focused on wildfires, ecology, and creating defensible space. Panelists provided detailed descriptions of methods for creating a firer safer landscape, and how you can weave [...]

Wildfires & our Ecology: How can we create defensible space?2021-05-14T14:14:57-07:00

Carbon Gardening 2: Local Models for Replication

October 26, 2020 - Daily Acts and the City of Petaluma teamed up to host this final webinar in our Carbon Gardening Series. We heard about youth climate education and engaging students with soil health and carbon gardening from Mycelium Youth Network, urban carbon farming and city-wide solutions from, and "how [...]

Carbon Gardening 2: Local Models for Replication2020-10-28T11:27:46-07:00

Carbon Gardening 1: Healthy Soils and the Climate

What if we told you there's a major climate solution waiting right below our feet? Check out this panel, the first in our Carbon Gardening Series, with Jeffrey Creque, Rick Taylor, Jessica Bates, and Will Bakx. Learn about carbon sequestration and actions you can take at home to slow down the climate [...]

Carbon Gardening 1: Healthy Soils and the Climate2020-10-21T17:21:44-07:00

“Story of Plastic” Panel Discussion with Zero Waste Petaluma

The Story of Plastic is a searing expose, uncovering the ugly truth behind plastic pollution and the false solution of plastic recycling. Different from every other plastic documentary you’ve seen, The Story of Plastic presents a cohesive timeline of how we got to our current global plastic pollution crisis and how the [...]

“Story of Plastic” Panel Discussion with Zero Waste Petaluma2020-08-28T14:30:13-07:00

Fire Smart Landscaping with Ann Baker and Damien McAnany

Want an ecological and abundant landscape that helps protect your home from wildfire? Watch this webinar for design and maintenance considerations for a fire smart landscape. Guest presenters and local experts Ann Baker and Damien McAnany offer insight on plant selection and placement, tree care, and much more!

Fire Smart Landscaping with Ann Baker and Damien McAnany2021-05-14T14:15:36-07:00

Diving into Drip Irrigation with Kris Loomis

If you're looking for an introduction to drip irrigation, you've come to the right place! Watch this webinar to learn all about where our water comes from in Sonoma County, drip irrigation system components, soil types and how to best irrigate with them, and an introduction to calculating a water budget. Guest [...]

Diving into Drip Irrigation with Kris Loomis2021-05-14T14:15:43-07:00
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