Rain Gardens 101

Harvest More Rain in the Landscape with Rain Gardens A rain garden is a planted depression in the soil which slows and infiltrates rainwater before it becomes polluted and erosive stormwater runoff. Usually, it is a small garden shaped like a shallow pool or ditch, which collects rainwater from a roof, roadway, or nearby [...]

Rain Gardens 1012023-03-13T12:58:27-07:00

Swales 101

How to Harvest More Rain in the Landscape with Swales A swale is a ditch that is dug on contour, meaning that it runs perfectly level across the landscape. Swales are a great way to slow, spread and sink excess rainwater that would normally runoff. Swales can be as big or as small as [...]

Swales 1012021-05-14T15:08:41-07:00
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