Rainwater Harvesting

Water-wise isn’t just about using less water, it’s also about being creative with the water we do have -- especially the free kind that comes right from the sky. As evidenced by the memorable storms of recent winters, rain events are predicted to become more severe and less frequent in our area, meaning that [...]

Rainwater Harvesting2021-05-14T15:07:11-07:00

Rain Tanks and Barrels

Collecting rain from the roof of your house is easy, practical and can provide long-term savings on your water bill. Rain catchment also reduces the amount of runoff that flows into creeks and storm drains, easing the burden on wastewater treatment plants and reducing the amount of pollutants washed into local streams and rivers. [...]

Rain Tanks and Barrels2021-08-06T10:31:38-07:00

Rain Gardens 101

Harvest More Rain in the Landscape with Rain Gardens A rain garden is a planted depression in the soil which slows and infiltrates rainwater before it becomes polluted and erosive stormwater runoff. Usually, it is a small garden shaped like a shallow pool or ditch, which collects rainwater from a roof, roadway, or nearby [...]

Rain Gardens 1012023-03-13T12:58:27-07:00

Swales 101

How to Harvest More Rain in the Landscape with Swales A swale is a ditch that is dug on contour, meaning that it runs perfectly level across the landscape. Swales are a great way to slow, spread and sink excess rainwater that would normally runoff. Swales can be as big or as small as [...]

Swales 1012021-05-14T15:08:41-07:00
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