By Connor DeVane, Programs Coordinator

The other day I was having an emotional pile-up. Frustrations related to COVID-19 snowballed with grief for climate breakdown and other crises that we’re all facing together, and I caught myself aimlessly scrolling through social media. Before I redirected and popped out into the garden, I stumbled across some words I had read a number of times before: “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the single candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” This quote, loosely adapted from Buddhist teachings, aligns well with Daily Acts’ concept of rippling forth action to Be the Change, but today it’s got me thinking specifically about propagation.

When you prune a fruit tree, thin your herb patch, or cut back those overeager blackberries –what happens to the cuttings? Maybe you let them fall to the ground as mulch or toss them in the compost system you’ve recently started. These are great ways to support your own garden, to be sure, but you could be using that flame, if you will, to light others’ candles.

By using various propagation techniques, you can partner with the existing plants in your garden to grow new plants that can be shared with your neighbors! I don’t know about you, but for me, sharing plants is basically the same as sharing happiness. Just as propagating a plant can actually help it thrive, sharing happiness with others will boost our own.

We’ve been putting this idea into practice lately – last week we and our partners distributed 200 garden kits to community members in need and this week we’ll be giving out 150 more, passing our goal of 300 kits! Want to help to ripple that inspiration out? Register for our Be the Change campaign and pledge your actions and help us pass our other goal of 300 registrants by the end of the month!