Drip Irrigation Basics with Oscar Lucario

On July 13th 2021, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Santa Rosa for our Drip Irrigation Basics webinar, featuring guest presenter Oscar Lucario. This webinar covered how to improve water use efficiency through drip irrigation, how to adapt existing overhead sprinklers to drip irrigation, how to take advantage of the City [...]

Drip Irrigation Basics with Oscar Lucario2021-07-14T13:09:33-07:00

Monthly Garden Office Hours: Graywater Systems

On June 3rd 2021, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Petaluma to present our 4th Monthly Garden Office Hours focused on Graywater Laundry-to-Landscape systems. Senior Programs Coordinator Liz Platte-Bermeo led a presentation focused on the basics of implementing a laundry-t0-landscape system, including system components, considerations, codes, and plant selection. Following the [...]

Monthly Garden Office Hours: Graywater Systems2021-07-08T11:55:58-07:00

Growing Healthy Soil: The First Step to Growing Healthy Plants

On May 26th 2021, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Cotati for a webinar presentation focused on healthy soils. Senior Programs Coordinator, Annie Silverman led a presentation focused on the makeup of soils and techniques for balancing minerals, nutrients, and soil organisms. Following the presentation, the zoom meeting was opened up [...]

Growing Healthy Soil: The First Step to Growing Healthy Plants2021-06-04T09:25:41-07:00

Be a Drought and Climate Hero: Film Viewing & Panel Discussion

On May 17th, Daily Acts teamed up with the City of Petaluma to host a panel discussion about the Power of Small, the Water-Climate Nexus, home-scale drought solution, civic engagement and more. The panel followed a screening of the film "Hike the Divide: A Conversation about Climate Action on the Continental Divide [...]

Be a Drought and Climate Hero: Film Viewing & Panel Discussion2021-06-04T09:21:09-07:00

Monthly Garden Office Hours – Plant Selection

It's a dry year. Now is a great time to consider transforming your thirsty lawn into a water-wise, habitat providing garden oasis! Whether you're looking for perfect cut flowers, creating habitat to invite more pollinators in your garden, or pitching in to help save water this year, there are so many native and drought-tolerant [...]

Monthly Garden Office Hours – Plant Selection2021-05-14T14:19:02-07:00

Pollution Prevention Series: Respecting Our Rivers

Have you noticed that the Petaluma River is flowing? That locals are fishing, boats are passing and the ecosystem is thriving? This change comes after the City of Petaluma was able to dredge the river after 17 years! The dredging process shined light on the many issues that our river, and waterways [...]

Pollution Prevention Series: Respecting Our Rivers2021-04-13T17:54:10-07:00

Pollution Prevention Series: From Household to Headwaters

On April 6th 2021, Daily Acts, the City of Petaluma, and Recology came together to discuss actions we can all take at home to reduce stormwater pollution and keep our waterways clean. At the end of 2020, the City of Petaluma completed the much anticipated dredging of the Petaluma River to remove [...]

Pollution Prevention Series: From Household to Headwaters2021-04-09T12:00:46-07:00

Monthly Garden Office Hours – Sheet Mulching & Mulch Madness

On April 1st 2021, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Petaluma to bring you our Monthly Garden Office Hours Meeting. This month's topic was Sheet Mulching, and how to take advantage of the City of Petaluma's Mulch Madness Program. Senior Programs Coordinator Annie Silverman and Programs Coordinator Sarina presented shortly on [...]

Monthly Garden Office Hours – Sheet Mulching & Mulch Madness2021-05-14T14:12:34-07:00

Water-Wise Gardening for Birds and Pollinators

Join Daily Acts and Veronica Bowers of Native Songbird Care and Conservation for an informative afternoon discussion on how to build habitat in our gardens to support pollinators and other wildlife. During this talk you will learn how you can play a support role to our ecosystem while also creating a colorful, lush, and low-water use [...]

Water-Wise Gardening for Birds and Pollinators2021-05-14T14:13:55-07:00
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