Site Preparation 101: In-Ground Cultivation

This resource is a part of our Be the Change campaign, to Grow a Garden. PDF Version Step 1: Site assessment: Choose a site for your food garden space that receives 8 hours of sunlight, has good drainage, and does not have invasive weeds. Step 2: Clear existing [...]

Site Preparation 101: In-Ground Cultivation2021-04-29T12:47:47-07:00

Drip Irrigation 101

How to Determine Watering Needs and Irrigation Programs PDF Version There are a number of factors that influence how long and how often we water our landscapes. Knowing a bit about your plant type, local climate and soil type will help you determine watering needs for optimal health and appearance. [...]

Drip Irrigation 1012021-05-14T15:02:39-07:00

Green Your Spring Clean!

Thanks for joining Daily Acts! We hope you are inspired to use and add to this recipe book! Don’t forget that these homemade cleaning products you’ve made are improving our air and water quality. They are not only safer for your health, but are more cost effective too. Most importantly, we hope you [...]

Green Your Spring Clean!2020-04-20T12:58:13-07:00

Protecting Your Family’s Health after Wildfires

North Bay Fires and Environmental Health How to Protect Your Family's Health The North Bay fires have released significant toxins into our environment that are affecting our health. Children are particularly vulnerable to toxic air pollution. The following are recommendations on how to reduce toxics exposure, provide extra nutritional and herbal support, and gently [...]

Protecting Your Family’s Health after Wildfires2020-08-27T17:29:42-07:00

Toxics Released into Environment from Urban Wildfires

Toxics Released Source of Contaminant Known Health Outcomes Asbestos Building materials Asbestosis, lung abnormalities, reduced immune function, increased risk of lung cancer Arsenic (Volatile Organic Compound - VOC) Electronics, industrial manufacturing, insecticides, herbicides, furniture Children: increased cancer risks as adults, increased infant mortality, neurological impairment, reduced birth weight. Adults: Impaired intellectual function, impaired motor [...]

Toxics Released into Environment from Urban Wildfires2020-04-21T15:11:29-07:00
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