by Annie Silverman, Senior Programs Coordinator

We have a riddle for you:

I appear dead before I am alive
I can survive for thousands of years in the right conditions without food or water
Although I often am quite small, within my skin a giant tree may live
I can be as small as dust or as large as a football
Humans and many types of animals eat me
I have developed many ways to get around from flying to swimming and hitching a ride
I can survive freezing, fires and intense droughts
What am I?

(Have a guess yet?)

A seed! Get your garden growing by starting seeds. Starting seeds is one of the most powerful actions you can take as a gardener. From one packet, you can have an abundance of plant starts to bring joy and nourishment to you and your neighbors. Join our Be the Change Campaign and be part of the solution revolution by growing food and medicine for yourself and others!

With gratitude,

Annie Silverman
Senior Programs Coordinator