Laundry to Landscape Graywater Installation


On Saturday, June 8th 2019, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Petaluma for a hands-on graywater installation workshop for Petaluma residents, Chris and Debbie Fox. The workshop began with Daily Acts’ Coordinators, Liz and Chris, who led a presentation that gave an overview of what graywater is, code requirements, details of a laundry-to-landscape system, [...]

QWEL Petaluma Graywater Installers Training


On September 2nd, 2016, the City of Santa Rosa and Daily Acts partnered, in order to install two Laundry-to-Landscape graywater systems in one day with volunteering participants. As part of the Qualified Water-Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Graywater Specialty Program, Daily Acts was able to aid landscape professionals gain their certification through this event. By educating professionals [...]

QWEL Graywater Installers Training


On Friday, March 17th, 2017, the City of Santa Rosa and Daily Acts partnered, in order to install 4 Laundry-to-Landscape graywater systems with volunteering participants. As part of the Qualified Water-Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Graywater Specialty Program, Daily Acts was able to aid landscape professionals gain their certification through this event. By educating professionals and residents, [...]

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