Personal Wildfire Resilience – Managing Stress, Smoke and Ash

Best Practices for Managing Stress, Smoke and Ash from Wildfires PDF Version Let’s face it, living in a fire ecology can be very stressful. Self-care practices are essential to build our resilience. Take time to rest and recover Deeply nourish your body with nutrient-dense foods like broths, soups, dark greens, fresh vegetables and fruits. [...]

Personal Wildfire Resilience – Managing Stress, Smoke and Ash2020-08-27T17:29:54-07:00

Become a Resilience Hub

Model Your Site, Educate and Share Resources with Your Community PDF Version Are your thumbs already a rich, deep green? Are you a water-wise wizard, a habitat-creating hero, or a conservation champion? Maybe you picked up some of these skills through our past Community Resilience Challenges! If any of the above apply [...]

Become a Resilience Hub2021-04-29T11:48:34-07:00

Green Your Spring Clean!

Thanks for joining Daily Acts! We hope you are inspired to use and add to this recipe book! Don’t forget that these homemade cleaning products you’ve made are improving our air and water quality. They are not only safer for your health, but are more cost effective too. Most importantly, we hope you [...]

Green Your Spring Clean!2020-04-20T12:58:13-07:00

Protecting Your Family’s Health after Wildfires

North Bay Fires and Environmental Health How to Protect Your Family's Health The North Bay fires have released significant toxins into our environment that are affecting our health. Children are particularly vulnerable to toxic air pollution. The following are recommendations on how to reduce toxics exposure, provide extra nutritional and herbal support, and gently [...]

Protecting Your Family’s Health after Wildfires2020-08-27T17:29:42-07:00

Herbal Honeys & Syrups

What You Need Ingredients - Makes 36 ounces • Herbs, coarsely ground – 28 oz by volume (14oz/1.75 cups for each: tea & honey) • Honey – 14 oz./1.75 cups • Water – 24 oz./3 cups (for decoction and double boiler) • Herbal tincture – 12 oz./1.75 cups (for syrup) Equipment • Measuring cup [...]

Herbal Honeys & Syrups2020-04-21T14:33:56-07:00

How to Make Herbal Tinctures

What You Need Ingredients • Herb – washed if fresh or clean & dried • Alcohol (menstruum/solvent) – amount will vary to cover total herb quantity • Optional: for fresh roots - pruners to chop plant material and vegetable brush to clean roots. Equipment • Clean mason jar with new lid (no nicks!) • [...]

How to Make Herbal Tinctures2020-04-21T14:30:56-07:00

Harvesting, Drying & Making Tea!

What You Need Ingredients & Equipment • Herbs! • Kitchen or garden scissors • Rubber bands and/or drying screens • Clean glass jars for storing herbs • Labels, permanent marker and clear packing tape • Optional: for fresh roots - pruners to chop plant material and vegetable brush to clean roots. Instructions 1. Gather [...]

Harvesting, Drying & Making Tea!2020-04-21T13:53:43-07:00

Natural Skin Care Making

How to Make Lotion Necessary Equipment Digital scale Blender Measuring cups Pouring pot Ingredients Waters ⅔ cup rose water ⅓ cup aloe vera gel Essential oils of your choice *optional Oils ¾ cup herb infused olive oil ⅓ cup coconut oil 1 Tbsp lanolin 1 ounce beeswax Instructions Combine waters in a glass measuring [...]

Natural Skin Care Making2020-04-21T13:50:57-07:00

Soap Making

Soap Making Necessary Equipment Several heat resistant bowls of varying sizes Digital scale Measuring cups Spatula Protective eye wear Rubber gloves Wisk Stick blender Soap Recipes 100% Castile-Brine (Olive Oil Soap) Ingredients Oils 33 ounces olive oil   Water and Lye 10.9 ounces distilled water 1 Tbs Sea salt 4.2 ounces lye Essential oils: 1 [...]

Soap Making2020-04-21T13:49:37-07:00
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