Rainwater Harvesting Tour in Healdsburg


On July 29th, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Healdsburg, Sonoma Zero Waste, and the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership to put on a Rainwater Harvesting Tour in Healdsburg. Participants toured two Healdsburg residents, Brigette and Linda’s, landscapes to learn about the exciting ways rainwater and Laundry-to-Landscape greywater can be used to build drought resilience [...]

Petaluma Laundry-to-Landscape Installation Day


On Saturday June 10th, 2023, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Petaluma to host a Laundry-to-Landscape Graywater Installation for Petaluma residents, Brian Oh and his family. Through an application process developed and distributed by Daily Acts, Brian and his family were chosen as the installation site because of the proximity and location of his [...]

Windsor Rain Garden Installation and Workshop


On Saturday, May 13th 2023, Daily Acts partnered with the Town of Windsor to host a hands-on rain garden workshop, educating residents on how to design and construct bioretention basins for their yards.  The workshop was hosted at a Windsor resident’s front yard who had applied through an application process hosted by Daily Acts. [...]

Windsor Lawn Transformation and Garden Installation


In February, new Windsor homeowners Josh and Alison were selected to host a lawn conversion workshop hosted by Daily Acts and the Town of Windsor. Residential landscape transformations spread water-saving solutions through hands-on education and skill-building. This lawn conversion effort occurred over the course of 2 days and engaged 12 volunteers.In preparation for the sheet [...]

Penngrove Elementary Field Trips to Petaluma Bounty


On April 20th and 25th, Daily acts partnered with Petaluma Bounty to host two field trips  for the 4th graders of Penngrove Elementary. Over 60 students joined us to learn about the basics of composting and how healthy soils store carbon dioxide.  Gathering at Petaluma Bounty Farm within the Master Gardener’s Unity Garden, students [...]

Cloverdale Earth Day Compost Giveaway


On Earth Day, April 22nd, 2023, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Cloverdale to host an Earth Day Compost Giveaway. Enabled through a county-funded grant, we were able to distribute 40 yards of nutrient-rich compost to residents sourced from Cold Creek Compost, a compost facility nestled above the hills of Potter Valley. Throughout [...]

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