Conceptos básicos sobre el riego por goteo

Este recurso es parte de nuestra campaña Sé el Cambio, para ahorrar agua. Descarga el PDF: Conceptos básicos sobre el riego por goteo Cómo determinar las necesidades de riego y los programas de irrigación Una variedad de factores influye en la duración y la frecuencia con las que regamos nuestros paisajes. [...]

Conceptos básicos sobre el riego por goteo2020-10-07T15:11:15-07:00

Creating Your Compass

Creating your Compass Download PDF Here A good personal compass is absolutely essential in a stormy, turbulent world. A compass can help you clarify and stay true to your north star, your vision, values and strengths, especially in times of difficulty and uncertainty. Below is a set of questions to strengthen your sense of [...]

Creating Your Compass2020-09-18T13:03:25-07:00

Go On Your Own Creek Clean-Up

According to the Russian River Watershed Association, the Russian River watershed is a rich and diverse region of nearly 1,500 square miles of forests, agricultural lands and urban lands in Mendocino and Sonoma Counties. The mainstem of the Russian River flows 110 miles from its headwaters near Redwood Valley and Potter Valley to [...]

Go On Your Own Creek Clean-Up2020-10-21T16:21:42-07:00

Personal Wildfire Resilience – Managing Stress, Smoke and Ash

Best Practices for Managing Stress, Smoke and Ash from Wildfires PDF Version Let’s face it, living in a fire ecology can be very stressful. Self-care practices are essential to build our resilience. Take time to rest and recover Deeply nourish your body with nutrient-dense foods like broths, soups, dark greens, fresh vegetables and fruits. [...]

Personal Wildfire Resilience – Managing Stress, Smoke and Ash2020-08-27T17:29:54-07:00

La propagación 101

Este recurso es parte de nuestra campaña Sé el Cambio, para cultivar un jardín. Propaga la abundancia con estos métodos de baja tecnología para propagar tus plantas Los Esquejes Los esquejes son clones genéticos tomados del nuevo crecimiento de plantas. Para las maderas blandas, como la lavanda, la salvia [...]

La propagación 1012020-05-26T18:06:37-07:00

Propagation 101

This resource is a part of our Be the Change campaign, to Grow a Garden. Spread the bounty around with these low-tech methods for propagating your plants! Cuttings Cuttings are genetic clones taken from fresh new plant growth. For softwoods, such as lavender, sages and thymes, cuttings are best [...]

Propagation 1012020-05-26T18:07:51-07:00

Cosechando 101

Este recurso es parte de nuestra campaña Sé el Cambio, para cultivar un jardín. Fase 1: ¡Dar gracias! Cosechar es ambos una relación de dar y recibir; tanto de lo que cosechas depende en lo que inviertas al jardín. Dar gracias a la abundancia en cualquiera manera que a ti [...]

Cosechando 1012020-05-19T16:20:58-07:00

Harvesting 101

This resource is a part of our Be the Change campaign, to Grow a Garden. Step 1: Give thanks! Harvesting is both a give and take relationship, so much of what you collect from your garden depends on what you put in. Give thanks for the bounty in whichever way [...]

Harvesting 1012020-05-19T16:08:47-07:00

Share the Bounty

Grow a Row and Share Your Extra Yield with Those in Need In these uncertain times, we could all benefit from some mutual aid. If your garden is already thriving, you can harness that abundance for solidarity with your community! Do you have some extra space on your site? Plant [...]

Share the Bounty2020-07-08T10:01:46-07:00
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