Become a Resilience Hub

Model Your Site, Educate and Share Resources with Your Community PDF Version Are your thumbs already a rich, deep green? Are you a water-wise wizard, a habitat-creating hero, or a conservation champion? Maybe you picked up some of these skills through our past Community Resilience Challenges! If any of the above apply [...]

Become a Resilience Hub2021-04-29T11:48:34-07:00

Trasplantando 101

Este recurso es parte de nuestra campaña Sé el Cambio, para cultivar un jardín. Fase 1: Decide el espacio adecuado en tu jardín para tu plantita. Considera la cantidad del sol y agua que necesite, el espacio entre plantitas, y la tipa de tierra. Acostumbra las plantitas que han estado en casa [...]

Trasplantando 1012020-05-12T15:09:54-07:00

Transplanting 101

This resource is a part of our Be the Change campaign, to Grow a Garden. Step 1: Choose the right place in your garden for your plant’s permanent home by thinking about amount of sun, spacing, water and soil type needed. Harden seedlings that have been growing indoors by placing them outside [...]

Transplanting 1012020-05-12T14:55:59-07:00

Sembrar Semillas 101

Este recurso es parte de nuestra campaña Sé el Cambio, para cultivar un jardín. Fase 1: Decida cual maceta usaras. Cualquiera maceta funcionara tanto como tenga buen drenaje. He usado rollos de papel higiénico o contenedoresde plástica con huecos en la base. Fase 2: Prepare la etiqueta con la [...]

Sembrar Semillas 1012020-05-04T17:27:13-07:00

Seed Starting 101

This resource is a part of our Be the Change campaign, to Grow a Garden. Step 1: Determine what type of container you will use. Any container will work as long as it has good drainage. I’ve used toilette paper rolls or old plastic containers with holes poked in [...]

Seed Starting 1012020-05-04T17:09:05-07:00

Water-Wise Plants for an Abundant Garden

We love to mix things up in our gardens, but there are a number of plants we tend to bring into a lot of our sites. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Here are a few examples of plants we keep coming back to: Yarrow: Achillea millefolium [...]

Water-Wise Plants for an Abundant Garden2023-10-23T12:53:11-07:00

Water-Wise Garden Maintenance 101

A Seasonal Approach At Daily Acts we believe that a water-wise garden can still serve a variety of functions, providing habitat, medicine and food in addition to beauty. While the term water-wise garden has become synonymous with low maintenance, seasonal work is still required to keep these plants healthy and looking good year round. [...]

Water-Wise Garden Maintenance 1012020-04-30T10:07:06-07:00

Preparación del terreno 101 – Macetas

Este recurso es parte de nuestra campaña Sé el Cambio, para cultivar un jardín. Fase 1: Decida donde vas a poner la maceta. La mayoría de frutas y verduras requieren 8 horas del sol para florecer. Fase 2: Saber cómo la maceta va a drenar. Es necesario que tu [...]

Preparación del terreno 101 – Macetas2020-05-04T17:28:07-07:00

Site Preparation 101 – Containers

This resource is a part of our Be the Change campaign, to Grow a Garden. Step 1: Determine placement of pot. Most fruits and vegetables need 8 hours of sunlight to thrive. Step 2: Assess how your pot will drain. It is essential that your pot has either drainage [...]

Site Preparation 101 – Containers2020-04-28T16:19:03-07:00

Preparación del terreno 101 – Camas de tierra

Este recurso es parte de nuestra campaña Sé el Cambio, para cultivar un jardín. Fase 1: Evaluación del sitio: Escoge un sitio para cultivar tus verduras/frutas/hierbas que reciba 8 horas del sol, tiene buen drenaje, y no tiene mala yerba invasiva. Fase 2: Elimine la vegetación existente. Fase 3: [...]

Preparación del terreno 101 – Camas de tierra2020-05-04T17:28:52-07:00
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