Windsor Front Yard Landscape Transformations: Sheet Mulching Workshops


On Saturday, November 7th 2020 Daily Acts partnered with the Town of Windsor to begin landscape transformations for three residential front yards, that will serve as demonstration gardens for water-wise, habitat friendly landscapes. Daily Acts Staff worked at the three front yard sites to educate and direct homeowners and volunteers on the first step of [...]

Seasonal Maintenance at Pocket Park with World Centric


On September 23, 2020, Daily Acts hosted its first in-person event since the COVID-19 pandemic began: a volunteer workday at Pocket Park with staff from World Centric, hosted by Senior Programs Coordinator Liz Platte-Bermeo and Programs Coordinator Connor DeVane. Daily Acts’ Operations Coordinator Sarah Tatum oversaw COVID protocols, including sanitation of tools, temperature and wellness [...]

Gail and Felicia’s Grow a Garden Story


Story submitted by Felicia Smith "Wanted to share a nice story about a multigenerational – homeowner & renter – food for friends garden in light of the “Be the Change” campaign. Gail Jonas (80) and I (32) have been friends for a few years. Last year she had an idea to encourage older Healdsburg folks [...]

Sonoma County Environmental Health Coalition


The Sonoma County Environmental Health Coalition (SCEHC) is a coalition of organizations and medical professionals who specialize in environmental and integrative medicine, integrative psychology, and environmental health. Formed in response to the 2017 wildfires, we engaged the Sonoma County community through trauma-informed environmental health education and outreach in an effort to support our communities’ [...]

Sanación del Pueblo


In partnership with North Bay Organizing Project, Botanical Bus, Corazon, and FACTS, we participated in several Sanación del Pueblo events and provided place-based Spanish-language workshops and resources on environmental health and toxics reduction strategies. We engaged Latinx community members in a Toxics Tour through the Roseland Community and provided Spanish-language resources and best practices [...]

Sonoma State University’s California Global Education Program – Teaching for Sustainable Communities


In partnership with Sonoma State University’s California Global Education Program - Teaching for Sustainable Communities, we trained credentialed educators in environmental health literacy and the impacts of toxics on children’s health and development through a series of project-based educational offerings. Photo: credentialed teachers in the Teaching for Sustainable Communities program at SSU [...]

Santa Rosa Junior College’s Landscape Design Certificate Program


In partnership with Santa Rosa Junior College’s Landscape Design Certificate Program, we provided Spanish-language toxics education and resources related to pesticides exposure in the workplace and best practices for reducing exposures for professionals and their families. We also shared resources on non-toxic alternatives that can be used in landscape maintenance.

Sustainable Equine Workshop


In early March, 2020, Daily Acts held their 4th annual Sustainable Equine Management Workshop at Sienna Mountain Ranch in Petaluma. This year we partnered with the Sonoma RCD, the NRCS and the San Francisco Bay Regional Quality Control Board to educate horse enthusiasts and equestrian facilities about new regulations requiring best land management practices [...]

Our Front Yard Seasonal Maintenance with JUMP


On March 7th 2020, Daily Acts and the City of Sebastopol hosted a garden maintenance workday at the "Our Front Yard" Learnscape at the Sebastopol Library with Sonoma State Student volunteer group Join Us Making Progress (JUMP). Led by Programs Coordinator Sarina Consulter, students were led through a tour of the gardens four sections, each [...]

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