Miwok Valley Charter School Climate Resilient Garden Transformation


This was our first installation for our Climate Resilient Schools Program, expanding our Land Resilience Partnership Program by supporting water conservation projects at four local schools in Petaluma. Water conservation measures such as rainwater tanks, turf conversion and efficient irrigation will be installed at the schools, along with the planting of native trees to [...]

Miwok Park Climate Resilient Garden Transformation


At Miwok Park, Daily Acts completed its first public water-wise landscape installation through the Petaluma River Watershed Land Resilience Partnership. Prior to this project, this frequently trafficked park had little shade, major flooding, and expansive lawn. Through our partnership with the City of Petaluma Parks, ReLeaf Petaluma, Sonoma Resource Conservation District, ReBuilding Together and [...]

McKinley Sheet Mulching Workday


On Saturday, September 16th, 2023, Daily Acts volunteers completed the first phase of a landscape transformation at McKinley Elementary and Petaluma Accelerated Charter School. Over 15 volunteers, including McKinley Elementary students, parents, and staff gathered to lay cardboard, compost, and woodchips across 3,000 sq ft to "compost the lawn in-place." Participants learned about sheet mulching [...]

Windsor Rain Garden Installation and Workshop


On Saturday, May 13th 2023, Daily Acts partnered with the Town of Windsor to host a hands-on rain garden workshop, educating residents on how to design and construct bioretention basins for their yards.  The workshop was hosted at a Windsor resident’s front yard who had applied through an application process hosted by Daily Acts. [...]

Windsor Lawn Transformation and Garden Installation


In February, new Windsor homeowners Josh and Alison were selected to host a lawn conversion workshop hosted by Daily Acts and the Town of Windsor. Residential landscape transformations spread water-saving solutions through hands-on education and skill-building. This lawn conversion effort occurred over the course of 2 days and engaged 12 volunteers.In preparation for the sheet [...]

Cotati Landscape Transformations- Planting with Credo High School


On May 2nd and 5th 2022, in partnership with the City of Cotati, Daily Acts completed two landscape transformations for two Cotati families: Brent, Stephanie and their kids; and Molly and Jim. These families took the leap to transform their thirsty lawns into beautiful water-wise, habitat providing, climate-friendly landscapes! Brent and Molly's applications were [...]

St Viencent Work Day at Cavanagh Model Site


On April 6th, 2022 Daily Acts and a team of students from St Vincent High School joined us at our Cavanagh model site for a volunteer workday for their service-learning project. We recently had a crew of workers from Equinox Landscaping come out and help to revitalize our garden and prune, so come spring everything [...]

Petaluma Library Mulch Workday


On Friday, February 11th, 2022 Daily Acts and a group of volunteers enjoyed the sunshine while mulching and weeding at our Petaluma Library model site. As spring approaches it is a great time to touch up our site with mulch to help sink and conserve water, suppress weeds, and cover our irrigation pipes to avoid [...]

Mulching Petaluma Fire Station #3


On December 3rd, 2021 Daily Acts and a team of volunteers from World Centric came together to sheet mulch Petaluma Fire Station #3. Our first responders do so much for our community to keep it safe and it is with great respect and enthusiasm that we were able to go out and show our support. [...]

Cotati Laundry-to-Landscape Residential Graywater Installation


On Saturday, October 23rd Daily Acts partnered with the City of Cotati to host a laundry-to-landscape graywater installation for Cotati Water customer, Kelly Hennesy. Through an application process developed and distributed by Daily Acts, Kelly was chosen as the installation site because of the location of her washer to the landscape, her interest in being [...]

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