Windsor Lawn Transformation and Garden Installation


In February, new Windsor homeowners Josh and Alison were selected to host a lawn conversion workshop hosted by Daily Acts and the Town of Windsor. Residential landscape transformations spread water-saving solutions through hands-on education and skill-building. This lawn conversion effort occurred over the course of 2 days and engaged 12 volunteers.In preparation for the sheet [...]

Coffey Park Front Yard Landscape Installations


On Saturday, October 12th Daily Acts partnered with four homeowners in Coffey Park to install water-wise and fire safer front yard landscapes for those who were affected by the 2017 wildfires. 65 community members joined the event and volunteered to help implement the landscape templates that were created by multiple architects, designers [...]

Design & Install Your Dream Garden: 3-Part Workshop Series


In Fall of 2019, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Petaluma and the Sonoma County Library to host a 3-part workshop series designed to offer all the skills needed to design and install your dream garden. We started with a workshop focusing on designing a base map. Creating a base map involves observing [...]

Straus Family Creamery Sheet Mulching


On Saturday, July 27th 2019, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Petaluma and Straus Family Creamery to host a 14,500 square foot landscape transformation for Straus’ Headquarter in Petaluma. The day went from 9am – 3pm, and with the help of 78 volunteers we were able to move 45 cubic yards of compost, [...]

Pocket Park Revitalization – A Sheet Mulching Party


On Saturday June 22nd 2019, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Cotati to lead a hands-on sheet mulching workshop at one of our original model sites: Pocket Park Food Forest & Wildlife Corridor. With the creek located directly behind the model site, weed intrusion had taken over the food forest, and sheet mulching [...]

Petaluma Regional Library Seasonal Maintenance with B-Corps


On Friday, May 3rd, Daily Acts led a stewardship day at the Petaluma Library Landscape for B Corp volunteers. The goal of this workday was to educate people about how to perform ongoing landscape maintenance needs including fixing irrigation leaks, applying more mulch, and infill planting. During this 2 hour workday, Daily Acts staff [...]

Foothills of Windsor Workday


On Saturday April 27th from 10am - 2pm, Daily Acts joined forces with the Windsor community and students from Sonoma State for a workday at Foothills of Windsor Demonstration Garden, located within the Foothills Home Owners Association. The day began with an opening circle to get a sense of what brought the volunteers to the [...]

Healing Garden at Veterans Village


In a big show of community spirit, nearly 100 volunteers lent a hand to create a healing garden at Santa Rosa’s soon-to-open Veteran’s Village project. This effort transformed the village for homeless veterans, into a place of beauty and future hope. To slow, spread, and sink water at the site for increased [...]

Homes for Sonoma Landscape Installation


After the October Wildfires in 2017, members of Homes for Sonoma, a volunteer-led coalition of community nonprofits, businesses and individuals, came together to create and collaborate around housing opportunities for five fire victims. Daily Acts was eager to support the landscaping side fo this project, in order to draw plants from local nurseries that [...]

Radiant Rain Garden Sheet Mulching at Old Vineyard Park


Daily Acts partnered with the Town of Windsor in the Fall of 2018, in order to transform an under utilized lawn,  into a demonstration garden. This garden was designed by Foresite Mapping Inc. and Permaculture Artisan's, Sebastian Bertsch, who put created the cross-section level spillway swale design, leveled and excavated by Anchordoguy Landscaping Inc. [...]

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