Are you ready to be your own hero in the story of your life?
At Daily Acts we’re firm believers that transformative change begins with the personal. By taking the reins on our daily actions we can harness that magic caterpillar-into-butterfly energy and sweep the world off its feet into metamorphosis. That’s why we loved sharing our Be the Change Campaign with you in 2020!
Our goal was to empower you to transform your life into the vision of the world you hold in your heart. Below, you’ll find the four different ways we offered to support you to take action: Growing a Garden, Building Civic Engagement, Saving Resources, and Practicing Self Care. Within each of these categories are specific actions you can pledge to Be the Change.
While this is now a historic resource, all of the forms below are still live! If you’d like to take the pledge, we’ll provide you with the videos and written resources from when our campaign was live to help you complete these actions.

Grow a Garden
Welcome abundance into your landscape by starting or expanding your garden with edible, herbal and/or habitat plants. Starting a garden is more than just growing plants – it’s a pathway to a richer, more connected life colored by nutritious food, useful products and a homegrown ecosystem powered by the sun.
To help you and your garden thrive, we’ve created video how-to guides and written resources on preparing your site, starting seeds, transplanting, harvesting, and propagating! From planting a fruit tree or shrub to growing a row to share with others, there are 7 different actions you can pledge today to Grow a Garden.

Save Resources
By adopting clever but simple practices like harvesting the rain and committing to shop second-hand, we can support the health of our planet and ensure there’s enough resources for all. Enough is as good as a feast! That mindset translates to all aspects of our lives, and by conserving resources like electricity and minimizing waste we can help both local ecosystems and the planet to thrive.