Creating your Compass
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A good personal compass is absolutely essential in a stormy, turbulent world. A compass can help you clarify and stay true to your north star, your vision, values and strengths, especially in times of difficulty and uncertainty. Below is a set of questions to strengthen your sense of self and where you come from in order to overcome fears and limiting mindsets that keep you from being the change you wish to see. We invite you to make it your own, to notice what resonates and what doesn’t feel helpful. If the key points of your personal compass look different, change it!
Use this compass to stay aligned with your purpose and commitments or to re-center when you are pulled off path. It can be a quick reference for embodying your values or integrated into cycles of deeper reflection, like a morning routine to start your day. Or you can weave it into conversations with friends and mentors as a tool for collective uplift.
DIRECTIONS – Create the time and space to reflect on the definitions and answers to the questions below. Put on some relaxing music. Let go of your expectations. Soak in some inspiration and get started.
What do I value…for myself and all others?
Values – universal values that apply to all human beings, including yourself.
Ex: compassion, dignity, equity.
What is my Purpose and Vision?
Purpose – connection to who and what gives you power; your “why” is like a wind of inspiration animating your being, infusing your vision with the energy to make it so.
Vision – a vivid picture of the life and world you seek to create.
What are my Operating Principles?
Operating Principles – a guide for putting your values into practice and action.
Ex: from Daily Acts – take heart, be the change, nurture community
Who and what inspires me? Who, what or where gives me courage?
What are my Super Powers, my strengths?
What Practices and Habits give me power?
Practices & Habits – activities, routines or rituals that help us live our purpose, vision and values.
Ex: Meditation, exercise, journaling, art, connection with others.
What habits or practices no longer serve you? What is your “not-to-do” list?
Ex: Over-committing.
What tools and systems do you use to manage your time and energy towards your goals?
Ex: Tracking tools, a weekly planner, scheduling priorities, a journal