On a crisp Saturday morning this past January, a group of 15 dedicated individuals gathered for the “Laundry-to-Landscape Greywater Installation Workshop” in Petaluma. Hosted at the residence of John and Sarah, this hands-on event aimed to educate and empower participants in the installation of a greywater system that repurposes lightly used water from their washing machine to irrigate their front landscape.

The day began with a heartfelt circle-up session, where attendees introduced themselves and discussed the importance of water conservation. This set the tone for a collaborative and educational experience. Permaculture Artisan Spencer Sutton of Integrative Natives and Daily Acts coordinator Ava served as the key educators, guiding participants through the intricacies of the system. The workshop provided an in-depth overview of both the indoor and outdoor components of the greywater system.

With Spencer and Ava’s expertise, the group set to work, installing the system piece by piece. The enthusiasm and determination were palpable as everyone contributed to the project. By the end of the day, the system was fully installed, and the participants had gained practical, hands-on experience. They expressed confidence in their ability to replicate the installation in their own homes or assist friends in doing so.

A highlight of the day was planting five fruit trees, which will be irrigated using the repurposed laundry water, symbolizing the fruitful outcomes of water conservation efforts. The event concluded with another circle-up, where smiles and a sense of accomplishment were abundant.

This workshop, offered free of charge thanks to the support of the City of Petaluma, was not only an educational experience but also a beautiful day of community connection and environmental stewardship. The participants left with valuable skills and a renewed commitment to conserving water, marking the day as a significant step towards sustainable living.

Interested in learning about Laundry-to-Landscape Greywater Systems? Check out these resources on this topic below:
1. Read our Greywater Master Handout for all the information you need to install a laundry-to-landscape system.
2. Are you a Petaluma resident installing a Laundry-to-Landscape System? Then learn how you can be compensated financially for your work through the new Petaluma Greywater Rebate. Be sure to apply before doing work!
3. Check out Greywater Action’s site for a plethora of resources on the topic of greywater reuse.
4. Watch our Webinar about Designing Laundry-to-Landscape Graywater systems with Laura Allen!