Harvesting graywater in Sonoma County saves water

Harvesting graywater in Sonoma County saves water A graywater system will allow you to reuse laundry water to irrigate ornamentals and many trees, efficiently saving water in the North Bay’s summer dry and drought-prone climate. BY JEFF COX March 6, 2025 | PRESS DEMOCRAT Clare Pitton and Sam Cramer with their son, who’s [...]

Harvesting graywater in Sonoma County saves water2025-03-13T11:49:23-07:00

Daily Acts is Transforming the Landscape of Our Community

Daily Acts is Transforming the Landscape of Our Community BY SARINA CONSULTER | PHOTOS BY DREA CASALI March 1, 2025 | East Petaluma Living Featured Story When a yard is transformed from a lawn into a vibrant oasis with a meandering rain garden, fruit trees, and flowers that attract butterflies and buzzing bees— it's captivating. [...]

Daily Acts is Transforming the Landscape of Our Community2025-03-04T11:26:47-08:00

Schoolyard Transformations for Ecological & Social Benefit: Daily Acts’ Climate Resilient Schools Program

Schoolyard Transformations for Ecological & Social Benefit: Daily Acts’ Climate Resilient Schools Program BY MORGAN MARGULIES January 8, 2025 | Ten Strands Featured Story The modern American schoolyard is dominated by two elements: asphalt (hardscape) and lawn (softscape). The living schoolyard movement, covered in Sharon Danks’s book Asphalt to Ecosystems, transforms schoolyards into lush [...]

Schoolyard Transformations for Ecological & Social Benefit: Daily Acts’ Climate Resilient Schools Program2025-01-10T10:48:01-08:00

Carbon Sequestration through Compost Application

Daily Acts was a proud part of the "Carbon Sequestration through Compost Application" Pilot Project. We are thrilled to have contributed to the County's educational efforts, fostering awareness and action towards cultivating soil health, carbon sequestration, and food waste reduction. Dive into our attached press release for more details about the impactful work completed! [...]

Carbon Sequestration through Compost Application2024-04-10T15:52:38-07:00

Petaluma’s Daily Acts gets $1.5 million grant for local school projects

Petaluma’s Daily Acts gets $1.5 million grant for local school projects Miwok Valley Charter School and La Tercera are among the four participating schools. JENNIFER SAWHNEY PETALUMA ARGUS-COURIER April 1, 2024 Petaluma nonprofit Daily Acts has received a $1.5 million grant to fund water conservation projects at four local schools, according to a news [...]

Petaluma’s Daily Acts gets $1.5 million grant for local school projects2024-04-17T11:32:29-07:00

What If Small Could Change It All? How to Find Your Passion and Make a Difference

Somo Village August 21st, 2023 Read the original article here  Drought, wildfires, and scorching temperatures in California and beyond are causing more and more people to feel the need to live sustainably and care for the environment. But many feel stuck on where to start—the problem seems so big and overwhelming. But what [...]

What If Small Could Change It All? How to Find Your Passion and Make a Difference2023-11-17T16:09:35-08:00

Petaluma’s Eco-smart Food Forest Offers Bounty for All

The Press Democrat August 4th, 2023 Read the original article here  To the eye accustomed to public buildings surrounded by nondescript, neatly trimmed lawns, the landscape of Petaluma’s Cavanagh Recreation Center looks unruly. In some spots you can barely see the building behind thick layers of plants, trees and vines. Despite appearances, the [...]

Petaluma’s Eco-smart Food Forest Offers Bounty for All2023-11-17T16:41:23-08:00

The Power of Small Acts with Trathen Heckman

Kristen Manieri June 23rd, 2023 Listen to the original podcast here  Podcast Episode Description: We all need a dose of optimism at times. I’d been yearning to see how I could make a difference and affect some much-needed change in the world. But the stakes feel so high and the problems feel impossibly [...]

The Power of Small Acts with Trathen Heckman2023-11-17T16:52:54-08:00

Take Heart, Take Action w/ Trathen Heckman

The Happiness Channel May 13th, 2023 Listen to the original podcast here  Podcast Episode Description: Hello my lovely friends and Welcome to this episode of The Happiness Channel!! This week I have an incredibly interesting and knowledgeable guest! Trathen Heckman is an award-winning nonprofit leader with over twenty years of experience cultivating grassroots [...]

Take Heart, Take Action w/ Trathen Heckman2023-11-17T16:37:16-08:00

Enviroleader Alumna, Ava Castro Returns to Sonoma Garden Park To Host Compost Education Event

Sonoma Ecology Center Blog March 28th, 2023 Read the original article here  [Español abajo] This past month, Ava Castro, a three-time Enviroleader alumna of Sonoma Ecology Center returned to Sonoma Garden Park to host a joint Carbon Sequestration and Education Event with us as the Climate Resilience Program Coordinator for the Daily Acts, [...]

Enviroleader Alumna, Ava Castro Returns to Sonoma Garden Park To Host Compost Education Event2023-11-17T16:28:19-08:00
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