Go On Your Own Creek Clean-Up

According to the Russian River Watershed Association, the Russian River watershed is a rich and diverse region of nearly 1,500 square miles of forests, agricultural lands and urban lands in Mendocino and Sonoma Counties. The mainstem of the Russian River flows 110 miles from its headwaters near Redwood Valley and Potter Valley to [...]

Go On Your Own Creek Clean-Up2020-10-21T16:21:42-07:00

Drip Irrigation 101

How to Determine Watering Needs and Irrigation Programs PDF Version There are a number of factors that influence how long and how often we water our landscapes. Knowing a bit about your plant type, local climate and soil type will help you determine watering needs for optimal health and appearance. [...]

Drip Irrigation 1012021-05-14T15:02:39-07:00

Rainwater Harvesting

Water-wise isn’t just about using less water, it’s also about being creative with the water we do have -- especially the free kind that comes right from the sky. As evidenced by the memorable storms of recent winters, rain events are predicted to become more severe and less frequent in our area, meaning that [...]

Rainwater Harvesting2021-05-14T15:07:11-07:00

Graywater 101

Did you know the average family of four uses 5,000-8,000 gallons of water annually in their washing machine alone? If 100 families installed a simple Laundry-to-Landscape graywater system, we could save 500,000-800,000 thousand gallons of water a year and put that precious water into our gardens instead of sending it the waste water treatment [...]

Graywater 1012024-09-30T09:48:42-07:00

Rain Tanks and Barrels

Collecting rain from the roof of your house is easy, practical and can provide long-term savings on your water bill. Rain catchment also reduces the amount of runoff that flows into creeks and storm drains, easing the burden on wastewater treatment plants and reducing the amount of pollutants washed into local streams and rivers. [...]

Rain Tanks and Barrels2021-08-06T10:31:38-07:00

Sheet Mulching

Sheet mulching is simple, natural, and effective for getting rid of your lawn and/or weed issues PDF Version Sheet Mulching is a landscaping method used to build soil, prevent weeds, and retain water. It’s sometimes referred to as a mulch lasagna because a compostable weed barrier such as cardboard, compost, and mulch are layered [...]

Sheet Mulching2022-10-26T21:22:45-07:00
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