How to Make DIY Red Wine Vinegar

What You Need Ingredients Red Wine to turn to vinegar Optional raw or unpasteurized Red Wine Vinegar Equipment Wide mouth glass or ceramic container Plastic or wooden stirring utensil Tight-weave cloth or paper coffee filter Rubber band Instructions Gather supplies: Ensure you have all the equipment and ingredients necessary to make red wine vinegar. [...]

How to Make DIY Red Wine Vinegar2020-04-10T14:52:02-07:00

How to Make Home-brewed Kombucha

What You Need Ingredients - Makes 1 gallon black tea (8 tea bags or 2 T. loose tea) 1 c. white sugar 13-14 c. water 1-2 c. starter tea or distilled white vinegar Active kombucha SCOBY, or "mother" Equipment 1-gallon glass jug Plastic or wooden stirring utensil Tight-weave cloth or paper coffee filter Rubberband [...]

How to Make Home-brewed Kombucha2020-04-21T13:45:03-07:00

Food Waste 101

Food Waste Reduction Food Recovery Hierarchy “The Food Recovery Hierarchy prioritizes actions organizations can take to prevent and divert wasted food. Each tier of the Food Recovery Hierarchy focuses on different management strategies for your wasted food. The top levels of the hierarchy are the best ways to prevent and divert wasted food because [...]

Food Waste 1012020-04-21T13:41:22-07:00

Tips for a Toxic-free Home

Tips for a Toxic Free Home You can effect immediate change at home by eliminating toxic chemicals and instilling new healthy traditions that your friends and family can model. From the outside landscape to inside your home, there are some really easy steps you can take to live toxic free. Make your own Cleaning [...]

Tips for a Toxic-free Home2020-04-21T13:38:43-07:00

Exercise Green Purchasing Power

Exercise Your Green Purchasing Power As a consumer, there are many ways that you can support a healthier lifestyle by being mindful of product ingredients and the unintended results of your spending habits. Here are a few things to consider the next time you are strolling through the grocery or hardware store or perusing [...]

Exercise Green Purchasing Power2020-04-21T13:34:09-07:00

Food Forests

PDF Version What Is A Food Forest? A food forest is an edible landscape that mimics a natural forest in form and function. Natural systems don’t require human inputs to flourish. Instead, the various species form a web of interconnection where they feed off and support each other in a closed, sustainable system. [...]

Food Forests2021-04-29T12:54:45-07:00

Commercial/Restaurant/Community Organization Composting

Learn from others: Local Sonoma County chef, Steve Rose, has owned and operated Sonoma County-based Vineyards Inn for 35 years and the restaurant composts 100% of its food waste through an on-site in-vessel Earth Tub composting system. Another model for commercial-scale composting is the vermicomposting system at Sonoma Valley Worm farm, which Steve explores [...]

Commercial/Restaurant/Community Organization Composting2021-02-01T15:28:47-08:00

Keep your “greens” out of the green can with easy at-home composting ideas!

As of July 1st, 2015, 100,000 tons of organic materials produced within Sonoma County are now being exported to three neighboring counties: Mendocino, Solano, and Marin. They used to be composted in-county by our beloved Sonoma Compost... Learn more and get involved with the Compost Coalition of Sonoma County , which grew out of [...]

Keep your “greens” out of the green can with easy at-home composting ideas!2021-02-01T15:26:53-08:00

Reduce Your Food Waste

The organization West Coast Climate Forum has put together a great Challenge to help you reduce your food waste -- by starting with measuring how much you waste! This exercise can be a fun way to help your whole family become more aware of the amount of food that you waste at home, so [...]

Reduce Your Food Waste2020-04-10T14:26:01-07:00

Carbon Farming at Home

The four major principles of Carbon Farming at home - modified and summarized from the more comprehensive and excellent The Climate Friendly Gardener guide from The Union of Concerned Scientists: Reduce Your Inputs! Most of what we buy in the store has embodied carbon emissions due to the manufacturing of that input - try [...]

Carbon Farming at Home2021-02-01T15:22:39-08:00
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