Windsor Rain Garden Installation and Workshop


On Saturday, May 13th 2023, Daily Acts partnered with the Town of Windsor to host a hands-on rain garden workshop, educating residents on how to design and construct bioretention basins for their yards.  The workshop was hosted at a Windsor resident’s front yard who had applied through an application process hosted by Daily Acts. [...]

Carrillo Place Rain Barrel System Installation


On January 29th, Daily Acts teamed up with Burbank Housing and BAAQMD to complete our final project for Carrillo Place Apartments; we installed a 550 gallon Blue Barrel Systems rainwater harvesting system. With the help of our friends Moises and William, Daily Acts staff installed ten barrels in the Carrillo Place Community Garden on a [...]

Cotati Community Creek Week Clean-Up


In honor of the Russian River Watershed Association’s annual “Creek Week”, on Saturday, September 21st, Daily Acts partnered with the City of Cotati to host a Community Creek Clean-Up! The purpose of this event was to decrease the amount of pollution in our local watershed, while providing our community with the knowledge and inspiration [...]

Healing Garden at Veterans Village


In a big show of community spirit, nearly 100 volunteers lent a hand to create a healing garden at Santa Rosa’s soon-to-open Veteran’s Village project. This effort transformed the village for homeless veterans, into a place of beauty and future hope. To slow, spread, and sink water at the site for increased [...]

Radiant Rain Garden Sheet Mulching at Old Vineyard Park


Daily Acts partnered with the Town of Windsor in the Fall of 2018, in order to transform an under utilized lawn,  into a demonstration garden. This garden was designed by Foresite Mapping Inc. and Permaculture Artisan's, Sebastian Bertsch, who put created the cross-section level spillway swale design, leveled and excavated by Anchordoguy Landscaping Inc. [...]

Windsor Rain Barrel Installation Workshop


Daily Acts partnered with the Town of Windsor, BlueBarrels Rainwater Catchment Systems, and the Windsor Garden Club to host a successful public workshop on rainwater harvesting at the Windsor Community Garden. Kellen Watson of Daily Acts shared a short presentation, which provided an overview of reasons to collect rainwater, stormwater solutions, and catchment system options. [...]

Petaluma Library: Phase 1


Daily Acts partnered with Petaluma Regional Library and the City of Petaluma, on October 28th, 2017 to create a rain garden and sheet mulched landscape in phase one. Daily Acts worked with a group of 50+ volunteers and transformed the preexisting lawn, roughly 8,000 square feet, which will save approximately 200,000 gallons of water annually. [...]

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